

2013-12-19 16:39:25
  1. 视觉治疗是——   
  2. 循序渐进的视力“训练”计划或程序;
  3. 需在医生的指导下进行;
  4. 根据每个病人不同的视觉需要而作出具体的调整;
  5. 在诊所进行,每周一至两次,每次30分钟至一小时;
  6. 有时候在复诊期间辅以在家完成的程序(“家庭强化”或“家庭作业”);
  7. (视情况)用以——    
    • 帮助患者强化或改善基本的视觉技能和能力;    
    • 改善视觉舒适度、灵敏度和效率;    
    • 改变病人处理或理解视觉信息的方法。
  1. 视力矫正镜片(受规管的医疗器械);  
  2. 治疗性镜片(受规管的医疗器械);  
  3. 三棱镜片(受规管的医疗器械); 
  4. 滤光器;  
  5. 眼罩或遮光板;  
  6. 带有定时装置的电子目标; 
  7. 计算机软件; 
  8. 前庭(平衡)设备

Vision Therapy Is Effective Treatment

Vision therapy -- a type of physical therapy for the eyes and brain -- is a highly effective non-surgical treatment for many common visual problems such as lazy eye, crossed eyes, double vision, convergence insufficiency and some reading and learning disabilities. Many patients who have been told, "it's too late," or "you'll have to learn to live with it" have benefited from vision therapy.

In the case of learning disabilities, vision therapy is specifically directed toward resolving visual problems which interfere with reading, learning and educational instruction. Optometrists do not claim that vision therapy is a direct treatment for learning disabilities.

What is involved in a Vision Therapy program?

Vision therapy is --
  • a progressive program of vision "exercises" or procedures;
  • performed under doctor supervision;
  • individualized to fit the visual needs of each patient;
  • generally conducted in-office, in once or twice weekly sessions of 30 minutes to an hour;
  • occasionally supplemented with procedures done at home between office visits ("home reinforcement" or "homework");
  • depending on the case, the procedures are prescribed to:
    • help patients develop or improve fundamental visual skills and abilities;
    • improve visual comfort, ease, and efficiency;
    • change how a patient processes or interprets visual information.

Vision Therapy Is Not Just Eye Exercises

Unlike other forms of exercise, the goal of Vision Therapy is not to strengthen eye muscles. Your eye muscles are already incredibly strong. Vision Therapy is not to be confused with any self-directed self-help program of eye exercises which is or has been marketed to the public.

In-office Vision Therapy is supervised by optometric vision care professionals and many types of specialized and/or medical equipment can be used in Optometric Vision Therapy programs, such as:

  • corrective lenses (regulated medical devices);
  • therapeutic lenses (regulated medical devices);
  • prism lenses (regulated medical devices);
  • optical filters;
  • occluders or eye patches
  • electronic targets with timing mechanisms;
  • computer software;
  • balance boards (vestibular device)
  • visual-motor-sensory integration training devices
The first step in any Vision Therapy program is a comprehensive vision examination. Following a thorough evaluation, a qualified vision care professional can advise the candidate as to whether Vision Therapy would be appropriate treatment.